Tuesday 9 November 2010

360-750 Word Essay

The Matrix Bank Vault Shotout:
At the beginning of my sequence the camera starts of with a worm eye view of the main characters (Neo-The chosen one) steel cap boot to look like he is going to get into a fight, also all the colours are black or grey miserable colours.Then after you get an over the shoulder view of Neo and you can see him just about to walk through the metal detector with some people who we are believed to be security guards and we know that because we can see the classic blue top,dark blue hat and there badges. So as Neo walks closer to the metal detector the camera pans down then you see him put his hand luggage into a metal detector.
As Neo steps through it the red lights flashes and it does a continous buzzing sound to alert the security guards, then the camera pans down to a close up of Neos face, then the camera changes to a medium shot of both Neo and one of the security guards. Neo opens his 'clock' and there are loads of different guns all attached to one another. Straight after the security guard sees this he says "holy sh," the camera cross cuts between the other security guards back to the original one while this is happening the music creates tention. Then as you see the body land you get a medium view of Neo holding to guns and he's shooting them in two different directions, then you get different views of the guards Neo has just shot then he spins behind a wall. Then after that you get another medium view of a different security guard crouching requesting for back up. As soon he finished his sentence the lead female (Trinity) walks through the metal detector then you hear that bleeping sound again then it turns to a long shot of Trinity walking closer to the security guard the she just lifts up her gun and it cross cuts between that security guard crouching with a phone in one hand an a gun in the other pointing towards the camera, back to Trinity who shots him up and down his body.
Then you get a birds eye view of bothe Neo and Trinity walking to the center of the bank with 3 dead bodies on one side of the room and one on the other side, and then the camera goes back down to the hand luggage metal detector then pans straight back up as you see Trinity pick up the bag.
Then Trinaty is walking with the bag who is then joined by Neo who gets rid of his old guns and gets out two new fresh ones. Then the camera goes back down to a worms eye view of a lot of men running, as they finished running the camera changes to a long shot of a part of the bank where all the men who you find out are SWAT men sprint behind some of the collums in the center of the lobby, which is then followed by the camera paning to the left to show all the SWAT men with there guns. Then you get a close up with a man holding a shot gun who then shouts out "FREEZE!" Then you geta medium shot of Neo and Trinity who look at each other then look at the man again.
Neo and Trinity just run behind some collums whist being shot at by the SWAT men then the camera just cross cuts between one man shooting to Neo running and shooting to a load of men shooting then back to Neo who runs past a collum whist shooting at a man with a shot gun and the camera goes from Neo to the man with the shot gun back to Neo.
Then Neo hides behind a collum and a close up of him to show him getting two more different guns out. Then you get a medium view of Trinity who runs up a wall and then flips off of it and whilst in mid-air the camera changes to an over the shoulder view of the men shooting in front of her. The effects are really good here because she runs up the wall and does a side flip of of it but you can't  see the wires or nothing it looks so real. As she lands upbeat music starts to come in to my sequence, then Trinity runs behind a collum the you get a very quick over the shoulder shot before she starts to run away agian which leads her getting into a fist fight with one of the men which is interupted by another man with a gun.
Then it goes to an over the shoulder view of Neo who runs out through the middle of the lobby shooting in all different directions and the effects arealso good here because the music slows down to give an effect that time is also slowing down. Then you get a worms eye view and you can see all of Neos bullets hitting the floor after firing them, which cross cuts between the floor with Neos bullets on there, Neo shooting bullets and all the guards Neo is killing. Then as you are watching Neo running he runs past Trinity who then the camrea follows to when she disarms a Swat member and kills him with his own gun. Then the camera goes back on to Neo then it looks like time is slowing down again whilst he is running past collums firing bullets which you can hear have been slowed down again good effects, as you see Neo running he does a cartwheel in the middleof two collums and picks a gun on the floor and does another cartwheel which kills the rest of the guards then the last sight is a close up of Neos face.

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